The Sliding Scale Donation Model
The Gender Generations Project has changed a lot in the last 7 years, from a group of 12 youth in the Fairfield-Gonzales Community Centre in 2017 to over 70 children and youth at Central Middle School in fall 2023. We have been proud to offer our retreats for free to all who have participated. As the program has grown, along with the desire to keep offering the retreats long-term (instead of a ‘one-off’ project that just kept going), we need to build our capacity to address the specific inclusion needs of younger kids and their parents and caregivers, as well as the growing number of older youth. In short, we need a more sustainable model as an organization, including financially. Your donations can help us to build an infrastructure that allows for our continued support of trans, non-binary and gender expansive children and youth and their families and allows those with limited financial resources and/or parental support to participate.
We are experimenting with a sliding scale donation model for the Spring 2024 retreat as one of the ways we are looking to develop sustainability and longevity into the project. Our suggested donation is $0 – 300 per child/youth, depending on where you fall on the scale. No questions are asked.
Why are we doing this?
Family donations are one way that you can show your support for GGP and recognize the value and importance of this program. While we have regularly asked for donations during and after previous retreats, we have received very few. By building this donation sliding scale into the retreat application/acceptance process we hope to make it easier for families who can donate to do so.
A Commitment to Accessibility and Social Justice
We believe GGP can be a life transforming experience for all participants and we are committed to accessibility and social justice. We feel strongly that GGP should be accessible to any trans, non-binary and gender-expansive child and youth in BC who wants to participate and we want to do what we can to support their families in supporting them.
When families who have greater financial resources donate it allows us to support more children, youth, and families who have greater barriers to participation, including funding for travel for those who don’t have the financial resources, who are living in rural areas or cities without resources for gender-affirming programs and/or care, and/or who are part of other marginalized groups.
Where do I fall on the sliding scale?
That is something only you can answer. If you have greater financial privilege we invite you to contribute on the higher end of the scale. If you have some financial privilege, we invite you to find somewhere in the middle of the scale that feels comfortable for you to contribute. If you struggle to cover basic expenses, we suggest you don’t donate at this time. Please see the ‘Green Bottle’ model below, if you need help identifying where you might fit
When you pay the top level ($300 or more) you can support other families in participating and help GGP be more sustainable and reach more children, youth and families long term.
If you donate somewhere in the middle, you can cover some or all of the costs of your participation (approximately $XXX per child/youth), allowing us to offer financial support to others.
When you pay less or $0, know you are letting your community hold and support you. We are delighted to be able to support everyone accepted to come regardless of financial barriers. If you also need support for travel, please apply for our travel fund [add link].
If making a donation would make it difficult to meet your basic needs (food, rent, etc.) in any way, please give $0. If you are a youth whose parent is unsupportive of or unaware of your gender identity, or your application to this program, please select $0.
No questions are asked – pick a level that feels right for you. What you can donate (or not) will not affect your acceptance or participation in any way.
Are you still covering travel costs for participants?
We do have limited funding available for youth travel and you can apply for travel funding in the youth application form. Funding will be prioritized for participants who:
- are located in areas in BC that don’t have affirming programs, healthcare, or other resources for trans, non-binary, and gender expansive children and youth – especially rural areas
- who are part of one or more other marginalized groups (for example, BIPOC, two-spirit, disabled, etc)
- would not be able to come if they have to pay travel costs (either because of unsupportive family or lack of financial resources)
In addition, this year we have travel funding for older adults and seniors (age 55+). You can apply in the Older Adults and Seniors form or email if applying only as a mentor/volunteer.
Due to funder restrictions, travel funding is only available for youth and older adult/senior participants.