For youth who want to join us
(This section was written by some of the youth who have gone through the program!)
The GGP is a really great, super nice, and supportive space to meet other youth and adults who share some of your experiences with navigating gender. There’s a nice balance between participating in workshops and having time to meet people and make new friends. We also play games and have open mic nights at every retreat.
We’ve created big projects together over the past few years, like writing and publishing a book of our stories, putting on an exhibit of our art, and performing music and spoken word acts together. In the future, we’re looking to focus on other projects like engaging with STEM (sciences, technology, engineering, math), since there’s so many awesome trans, two-spirit, and other gender diverse folks in those fields.
Our “for youth, by youth” approach encourages participants to step into paid leadership roles as the project evolves.
This is a space for all folks who are “not cisgender” or who are questioning their gender (in other words, for folks whose gender identity or expression doesn’t match up the one they were assigned at birth). We won’t ask questions or be judgmental about how you identify or express your gender.
If you are cisgender, there’s still space for you here too! You can share the project with folks in your community who aren’t cisgender, and you can learn more about how to be an ally through your school’s gender & sexuality alliance or other spaces.
Please contact us for more information on how to get involved!
For adults who want to support us
We welcome adults to mentors, volunteers, and their loved ones to build gender joy. Headquartered on unceded Lekwungen speaking territories in Victoria, British Columbia, we offer free services, programming, volunteering, and paid work opportunities year-round. Please contact us for more information!